Frequently Asked Questions
I Would Be Happy To Assist You
Can you Offer Healing from a Distance?Healing is very effective from a distance. Clients in distant healing situations have expressed being able to feel energy and movement inside their body; have experiences where they feel healing hands on their body and even can smell the oils and essences I am using with them. This can occur on Skype/Zoom where you can see me and also lay down if you wish.
What are the Akashic Records?- The Akashic Records are the records that hold all there is to know about you; throughout all of your lifetimes. - They are also referred to as The Halls of Records, The living Records and The Book of Life. - They are energetically powerful, vast (almost infinite) and held in the etheric or the heavens. - They hold the records of your soul both on and off the earth; this is all of your lifetimes. - My focus tends to be related to your lifetimes here on this planet, as that is what my mission and purpose is related to. - A reading will help you understand what your soul requires – how this links to your everyday life and to bring you into better alignment with your AUTHENTIC SELF.
Session Related Questions
Do you long to know yourself more deeply?
Do you wish to love yourself fall in love with you?
Do you wonder why you are here, what is your purpose and what are your unique gifts and talents?
Are you at a crossroad in your life?
Do you feel there is something missing, something that you cant quite put your finger on, a hidden piece, an unsolved mystery?
Is there a relationship issue that is bothering you; in your personal life or at work?
Do you need hope, inspiration for your future life or career?
Do you want to release negative energies and blockages?
Do you want to access your higher wisdom, divine team
Do you want to have an energetic cleanse and rebalance?
Do you need answers to past life questions?
Are you in need of inner child healing?
Do you require chakra balancing and clearing?
Do you feel foggy, unclear, unable to make decisions and move forward?
Do you feel something is missing in your life but you dont know what?
Do you require implant removal, soul retrieval, fractal re integration?